Monday, April 27, 2009

From The GM: 2009 Updates

Food and Beverage Update

Come join us this year for great food and service at The Wolf Laurel Country Club!

Chef Rudy returns along with his kitchen staff and Becky Hamlin will again lead the most caring wait staff I have ever known. Sandy Howard again leads our catering and beverage department, with Naomi and Arundel in tow, and we look forward to a great season of parties and special events for all to enjoy.

We will strive to provide the best food and service at the most reasonable prices this year, while still meeting our budget, and providing new dining opportunities for you to enjoy during the 2009 summer season at The Club.

Hot Dogs & Bratwurst on The Deck: 2009 details here.

Half Price Birthdays
Birthday details subsequently announced here.

On Wednesdays, we will offer a member’s birthday meal at half price during their birthday month. We are a seasonal club, so we will celebrate 2 months at the same time. In May, we will offer a 50 % discount for those born in May and January. During June we will celebrate birthdays in June and February, etc.

We hope this new program will increase participation on our slowest night and reward members and spouses on their birthdays.

Weekend Breakfast Buffet
Breakfast Buffet details @ $7.99 subsequently announced here.

Starting in June we are offering a buffet breakfast each Friday and Saturday morning from 8:00 am to 10:00 am for $ 7.95 ++. We will also adjust the hours on the Sunday Brunch to begin at 10:30 am and finish at 1:30 pm.

We offer these new ideas in response to members’ suggestions, and we encourage your support. Please make reservations so that we can properly schedule staff. Our goal is to serve at least 30 for breakfast in order to cover our costs and continue this feature for your enjoyment.

Hours & Menu Choices
Sunday Mini Brunch details here.
WLCC Weight Watchers program info here.

You will note on the May Calender that we have adjusted our hours of operation to help reduce labor costs where possible. We will also be offering smaller food portions, and weight watcher specials. This will not only reduce the price of the meal served, but provide healthy choices.

Your comments and suggestions are always encouraged so we can better serve members and guests. Please feel free to call Mr. Bob Turner, board liaison for f&b or myself, or leave a comment on the blog.

As the season arrives, please remember our renewed emphasis on advance reservations so that we can provide the best service and control costs. It takes all of us to make this happen, and we all benefit in the end.

New Online Features
The website was updated this winter. We now have full menus and information in a new five page Event Planning Guide. This will greatly streamline the process for hosting member parties or outside receptions.

The website now delivers information including long term and near term events, Lounge or Dining Specials, Pro Shop Sales and complete calendars at your convenience, when you need it. Try the new calendar page for starters.

Looking forward to a great summer,

George H. Barrett, CCM

WLCC Website Homepage

Filed Under: General Manager


wlcc said...

The following was posted in a 2008 posting but is being moved here, GM will be alerted.

half priced birthdays is great but shouldn't it be May/November, June/ December, etc.?

Phil Voso
April 29, 2009 3:17 PM

wlcc said...

From The GM:
The birthday celebration months are set up in accordance with our fiscal operation which starts Jan 1. Therefore those celebrating their birthday in Jan would be the first eligible for the discounted meal and join those in May who have a birthday and come to the club to enjoy their birthday meal.

It is a logical way to accomplish the program and then those members with February birthdays would join the June members having a birthday in this six month seasonal operation and we continue throughout the year as scheduled.

George Barrett