Friday, February 27, 2009

The WLCC Website

Updates to The WLCC Website are in final draft.

There are still some spelling, punctuation, and syntax issues to clean up, but it's basically ready for people to surf around, test the navigation, etc.

If anyone notices any broken links, links that do not direct to the proper page, display anomalies, etc, please copy the url for that page, and email the specific issue to:
wlccblog (AT) gmail (DOT) com

In the case that a page does not display properly, it would be nice to know what browser and screen resolution are involved.

Some of the Updates:
*Contact info is now in the footer on every page.

*One of the biggest things it does is deliver information. This blog is now fully incorporated into the website allowing access to all forms of current calendars and events.

*A 5 page Event Planning Section has been added for members and outside functions with FAQ's, menus for breakfast, lunch, dinner, drinks, buffets, prices, and service packages.

*We also have the ability to announce current specials & info from the Pro Shop, as well as from the Lounge, and Restaurant.

*Mens and Womens Golf now have a page with access to current events, contacts, and last minute updates.

*Brighter, and more current photos including a 600 pixel slide show of sights and scenes. (Will try larger slide player at some point and maybe add/enable captions).

*Map and Directions page now includes a personalized WL map, with outbound links to Google Maps and Google Earth.

WLCC Website Homepage

Filed Under: General Manager

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