Click Here: For the full July, 2008 Calendar
Remember, Hot Dogs and Bratwurst on the Deck, EVERY day from 11 AM until 3:30 PM.
Also, The Lounge now has Daily Drink Specials, Tuesday-Saturday, from 5 PM until closing.
Event Details for This Week
Tuesday July 1
**Men's Day
**Ladies Bridge, Charles Goren biography is this week's assignment.
**5:00PM until Closing: The Daily Drink Special on Tuesdays, Imported Beer for just $2.99.
**6 until 9 PM: Pub Night, a Tuesday tradition, served with a complimentary glass of wine.
Wednesday July 2
**9:30 AM: Womens' Golf Association
**5:00 PM until Closing: Drinks in The Lounge are half price, every Wednesday. Consider also trying The New Bar Menu for a lighter dinner.
**6:00 until 9:00 PM: Pizza/Pasta buffet. We pretty much need 30 reservations for any buffet, if you're interested, by all means let us know ahead of time.
**7:30 PM: Game Night, come on in The Lounge after dinner and see what our host has up her sleeve this time around.
**On the Deck: Cigar Night, with newly selected cigars, brandies, ports, and scotches for your taste buds and sensory input, including Asbach Uralt, and Dalmore Cigar Malt Scotch.
Required viewing for this Cigar Night, Pierre Salinger's JFK Cuban Cigar Stories, 3 minutes and 30 seconds. Apocryphal or not?
Thursday July 3
**All Day: No Special Events
**All Day: Web Enrichment, From The Dept. of Obscure But Interesting
USA Events of July 3, 1776
Entebbe: July 3, 1976
Events of July 3 Throughout History
**5:00 PM Until Closing: Daily Drink Special in The Lounge House wines just $3.95 a glass.
**6 PM until 9 PM: Casual dining at 4,400 feet.
Friday July 4
**The Restaurant will be closed for dinner.
**11:30 until 2:00 PM: Cook Out $8.95, plus tax and gratuity.
**4:00 PM: Cart and Pet Parade: Click here: For details on the sign up, cart pick up, etc.
Saturday July 5
**Flag Tournament: Call The Pro Shop at 680 9772 for details.
**5:00 PM: Don Hutson Book Signing in the lobby.
**5 PM until Closing: The Daily Drink Special in The Lounge will be, $4.95 for any after dinner drink.
**6 PM until 9:00 PM: Annual Patriots' Dinner, $22.95 plus tax and gratuity.
Sunday July 6
**11:30 AM until 2 PM: Our traditional Sunday Brunch.
**4:00 PM: Putting Party
Monday July 7
**All Day: Restaurant Closed
**9:30 AM: Those Mahjong people are back, each and every Monday.
Filed Under: Calendars and Updates
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