Thursday, September 30, 2010

October, 2010 Calendar

The final month of full time operations...

Click the image for a full size view, to save, print, etc
Other Useful Items
This Week at WLCC
Complete Events thru 10/31/2010

Filed Under: 2010-2011 Calendars & Updates

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Oktoberfest - Friday Oct 1

Limited seating for this annual event, coming up this Friday...

Please click the image for a large view.
Other Useful Items
This Week at WLCC
Complete Events thru 10/31/2010

Filed Under: 2010-2011 Calendars & Updates

Monday, September 27, 2010

Men's Member-Member Tourney

Received from The Pro Shop

Men's Member/Member
Thursday Sept. 30 & Friday Oct. 1
Entry Fee $40 per team

Call 828 680 9772 for more details.

Other Useful Items
This Week at WLCC
Complete Events thru 10/31/2010

Filed Under: 2010-2011 Calendars & Updates, Pro Shop

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Week Ending Oct 3

The Week Ahead...

Please help your staff and your dining experience by making reservations for everything in advance, Thank You.

Monday 09/27
12:30 PM: Mah Jongg and its mysterious devotees are in session

Tuesday 09/28
Morning: Men's Golf
Morning: Ladies' Bridge
5:00 PM until Closing: The Lounge is open
5:30-8:30 PM: Pub Night

Wednesday 09/29
Morning: Women's Golf Closing Play Day and Luncheon
5:00 PM until Closing: The Lounge is open
5:30-8:30 PM: Dining Note: Probably we will offer Bar Menu only on this night.

Thursday 09/30
Morning: Men's Member/Member Tourney
5:00 PM until Closing: The Lounge is open.
5:30-8:30 PM: Pub Night

Friday 10/01
Morning: Men's Member/Member Tourney
5:00 Pm Until Closing: Oktoberfest, German/Bavarian Beers and Dinner
5:00-Closing: Lounge is open
6:00-9:00 PM: Dinner is served

Saturday 10/02
Madison HS Reunion, Club is however open to Members.
5:00 PM - Closing: Lounge is open
6:00 PM until 9:00 PM: Dining Rooms are open.

Sunday 10/03
11:00-2:00 PM: Sunday Brunch

Other Useful Items
Complete Events thru 10/31/2010

Filed Under: 2010-2011 Calendars & Updates

Saturday, September 25, 2010

A Taste of Wolf Laurel

Here's your chance to do something nice and show off that family recipe at the same time.

Click the image for a large view, or to print from your browser.
Other Useful Items
This Week at WLCC
Complete September Calendar
Complete Events thru 10/31/2010

Filed Under: 2010-2011 Calendars & Updates

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Week Ending Sept 26

The Week Ahead...
Please help your staff and your dining experience by making reservations for everything in advance, Thank You.

Monday 09/20
12:30 PM: Mah Jongg and its mysterious devotees are in session

Tuesday 09/21
Morning: Men's Golf
Morning: Ladies' Bridge
5:00 PM until Closing: The Lounge is open
5:30-8:30 PM: Pub Night

Wednesday 09/22
Morning: Women's Golf
5:00 PM until Closing: The Lounge is open
5:30-8:30 PM: Pizza Buffet
5:30 PM until Closing: Cigar Night

Thursday 09/23
Midday: Hospice Luncheon
5:00 PM until Closing: The Lounge is open.
5:30-8:30 PM: Pub Night

Friday 09/24
Morning: Rotary Tournament
5:00-Closing: Lounge is open
6:00-9:00 PM: Dinner is served

Saturday 09/25
Evening: Blast to the Past 50's Party
5:00 PM - Closing: Lounge is open
6:00 PM until 9:00 PM: Dining Rooms are open.

Sunday 09/26
11:00-2:00 PM: Sunday Brunch

Other Useful Items
September Calendar
Complete Events thru 10/31/2010

Filed Under: 2010-2011 Calendars & Updates

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Monday, September 13, 2010

Week Ending Sept 19

The Week Ahead...
Please help your staff and your dining experience by making reservations for everything in advance, Thank You.

Reminder: The General Membership Meeting is on September 18. It is very important that you return your Ballot, (for election of new Directors), and Proxy to the Club as soon as possible. Thank you!

Monday 09/13
12:30 PM: Mah Jongg and its mysterious devotees are in session

Tuesday 09/14
Morning: Men's Golf
Morning: Ladies' Bridge
5:00 PM until Closing: The Lounge is open
5:30-8:30 PM: Pub Night

Wednesday 09/15
5:00 PM until Closing: The Lounge is open
5:30-8:30 PM: Italian Night
5:30 PM until Closing: Cigar Night

Thursday 09/16
Morning: Lil Abner Tournament
5:00 PM until Closing: The Lounge is open.
5:30-8:30 PM: Pub Night

Friday 09/17
Morning: Men's Golf
5:00-Closing: Lounge is open
6:00-9:00 PM: Dinner is served

Saturday 09/18
8:30 AM: Annual Membership Meeting
5:00 PM - Closing: Lounge is open
6:00 PM until 9:00 PM: Dining Rooms are open.

Sunday 09/19
11:00-2:00 PM: Sunday Brunch

Other Useful Items
September Calendar
Complete Events thru 10/31/2010

Filed Under: 2010-2011 Calendars & Updates

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Website Offline

The WLCC website will be offline.

The owner of the domain name is not WLCC, but rather a private individual who has since passed away.

The transfer of ownership is subject to certain legal time limits and restrictions. The website will be offline until these issues have been satisfied.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Annual Fly Boys Last Call

Please join us on Sat, Sept 11 for our Annual Fly Boys and Veterans Event.

Details Below.

Click the image for a large view and details.
Other Useful Items
This Week at WLCC
Complete September Calendar
Complete Events thru 10/31/2010

Filed Under: 2010-2011 Calendars & Updates

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Week Ending Sept 12

The Week Ahead..
Please help your staff and your club experience by making reservations for everything in advance, Thank You.

Reminder: The General Membership Meeting is on September 18. It is very important that you return your Ballot, (for election of new Directors), and Proxy to the Club as soon as possible. Thank you!

Monday 09/06
Morning: Labor Day Tournament, call Pro Shop for details, 680 9772
11:00 AM until 2:30 PM: Cookout
12:30 PM: Mah Jongg and its mysterious devotees are in session

Tuesday 09/07
Morning: Men's Golf
Morning: Ladies' Bridge
5:00 PM until Closing: The Lounge is open
5:30-8:30 PM: Pub Night

Wednesday 09/08
4:00 PM: Wolf Laurel Historical Society
5:00 PM until Closing: The Lounge is open
5:30-8:30 PM: BBQ Buffet
5:30 PM until Closing: Cigar Night

Thursday 09/09
5:00 PM until Closing: The Lounge is open.
5:30-8:30 PM: Dinner is served

Friday 09/10
5:00-Closing: Lounge is open
6:00-9:00 PM: Dinner is served

Saturday 09/11
5:00 PM - Closing: Lounge is open
6:00 PM until Closing: Fly Boys and Veteran's Party
6:00 PM until 9:00 PM: Dining Rooms are open.

Sunday 09/12
11:00-2:00 PM: Sunday Brunch

Other Useful Items
September Calendar
Complete Events thru 10/31/2010

Filed Under: 2010-2011 Calendars & Updates

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Wednesday, September 1, 2010